Throw the Bums Out – 2016.

The Donald

Why Donald Trump Will Be Our Next President

By John Ceccon


Donald_Trump 150He’s a racist. He’s a misogynist. He hates Mexicans. Bla bla bla bla bla. He’s this, he’ that. These are a few of the jabs being taken at the current frontrunner presidential candidate. He’s blowing away all the republican presidential hopefuls, and the democrats are desperately trying to come up with a game plan to combat the Donald. If Trump is such a POS, then why is he leading in just about every poll that is worth a Krap? Political analysts’ are dumbfounded because all of their traditional election time formulas are not working for The Donald. People are saying WTF, but the numbers don’t lie, and neither does Donald. That is his appeal – unapologetic honesty. Donald Trump continues to be on top and this country just may be ready for a billionaire reality TV star as president.

Even blacks, a traditionally democratic demographic, in a recent USA Today poll, gave Trump a 25% bump in his political crusade.

Voters are split between being pissed or apathetic, or some combination of the two, and Trump is capitalizing on that fact. Voters are Full of Krap because they want certain things from their elected officials, but they won’t hold them accountable. They will complain, and bitch, and moan, but then they fold like a cheap suit on election day when they are once again asked to vote for the same people who are causing all the problems. AND THEN THEY DO IT. Driven by apathy, they reelect the same bums. People in this country want REAL CHANGE, but once again, their choices could possibly be limited to another lesser of two evils. It’s very frustrating for voters and they began to register their frustration in 2014. In the 2014 midterm election, Democrats were responsible for the republican takeover of the senate and house of representatives. Yeah, that’s right. Democrats were so pissed off at their elected officials that many of them voted for republicans as a form of protest.

I’m a registered democrat and in 2014 I was so pissed, I voted republican right down the line. I didn’t look at their names. If they were a republican, I voted for them.

Prior to the 2014 midterm election, congress had a 14% approval rating amongst voters. Translation – democrat voters and republican voters were pissed, very pissed, especially democrats. Translation 2, prior to the 2014 midterm election 86 people out of 100 think that the United States Congress was doing a Krappy job.Try that job performance at YOUR job and let me know how things works out for you. Prior to the 2014 midterm election Only 14 voters out of 100 thought congress was doing a good job. Try getting A 14% on your college exams and let me know if you graduate. Exactly!

Copyright 2015 John Ceccon. All rights reserved.





About Phred 34 Articles
Phred Stone is the alter ego of John Ceccon who takes no responsibility for the rantings of Phred.

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