Woke Chronicles – 2 Genders – Prove Me Wrong

By John Ceccon

I’m sure that just from the title of this rant you have already branded me as an ultra-conservative, intolerant, polyphobic, nut-case. I’m really not any of those things……OK, maybe I’m a nut-case, but I’m not a political nut-case, I’m more of a rock and roll nut-case, but that’s another rant. My political leanings for most of my life have been primarily Democratic, but I left THOSE nut cases behind about ten years ago in favor of a more Libertarian approach.

Definition of WOKE – a person who ignores science, biology, medical science, math, physics, engineering, and reality based on how they feel.


The reality of gender (from a bioengineering perspective). There is this planet, you may have heard about it, it’s called Earth. On this planet, there is a species of intelligent life called mammals. Humans (that’s you) are mammals, although the intelligence part is debatable. Dogs, cats, elephants, monkeys, mice, goats, cows, and 5400 other animals on Earth are mammals. Inside the cells of all mammals are these things called chromosomes. You either have two X chromosomes, or one X and one Y chromosome – there is NO THIRD combination. If you are a mammal (and I’m talking to you because all other mammals can’t read) and you have two X chromosomes, you will also have a vagina – that makes you female. If you have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, you will also have a penis, which makes you male. You don’t need chromosome testing to see if you have X’s or Y’s. All you have to do is look down. If you see a penis, you are male/boy/he/him. If you see a vagina, you are female/girl/she/her. See – it’s simple. Now, you try it…..go ahead….look down….what are you? It’s easy.

I get it. Some of you look down to see a penis and you don’t want it to be there because you are male (XY), but you feel female (XX). I have no idea what that feels like, but I accept that you feel that way and I will not discriminate against you because of it. I actually have compassion for you. The problem begins when you force it down my throat and try to make me accept a scientific/medical falsehood, then call me intolerant and whatever-phobic because I understand the science of gender. That’s like saying that 2 plus 2 equals 5 because you feel that it does – well, it doesn’t and five tons of how you feel can’t change that.

I like truth and transparency like most people. The truth is that more than 20 years ago, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) listed gender dysphoria as a mental disorder – so there’s that. My approach to gender, however, is not left, right, woke, gay, straight, or trans – it’s pure engineering from a human biological perspective.

Oh boy, here comes the hate mail. Knock yourself out, I don’t read them

Copyright 2023 John Ceccon. All rights reserved.

About Phred 34 Articles
Phred Stone is the alter ego of John Ceccon who takes no responsibility for the rantings of Phred.

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